Princess Zelda Apron Review: Simplicity 8279 Sewing Pattern

I’ll start this post by saying I have never envisioned myself cosplaying Princess Zelda. She’s super regal and enchanting and I never saw myself in that way (Not sure if it’s bad to admit that?) but I have always loved the series. I proudly own a LOZ leather bag, plush throw, and now this really cute apron!

As a huge fan of patterns, I couldn’t ignore this really cute apron pattern because as you can see from the cover of the packaging it was made for Cosplayers and I had no choice but to pick it up! This pattern was perfect to scratch my quarantine boredom itch! This pattern took about 5 hours to make? It’s also really easy to sew a straight stitch is all you need to create this so regardless of your sewing skill level YOU yes you reading this blog can make this cute apron!

I used pink and yellow cotton to make this apron but I’m sure you could use other materials too! I enjoyed the seam instructions on this being made of entirely straight stitches and minimal complications. This pattern is VERY versatile and can be used to make aprons for other characters too but I appreciate the fact they gave you some pretty sweet options within the pattern itself!

The only thing that posed a bit of a challenge for me was the bias binding which I used some of the fabric to make but bias binding is easy to make although kinda monotonous. Overall I liked this pattern and will probably pick it up to make another nerdy apron! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about this creation!

Published by kiasangria

A NY cosplayer & fashionista sharing cosplay and styling tips

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