How to be a Non-Black ally post #Blacklivesmatter

This entry is going to literally be a word salad for some people and a 5-course meal for others. I wrote this with a lot of passion Monday, June 1st, 2020 and I hope that it’s an evergreen piece that lives on even past the events that occurred before and during its conception.

Good Morning,

I want to address 2 groups here today.

Black people & Non-Black people

I’ll start with Black people, I know what you’re going through I know how we’re feeling and despite what is said our anger is justified and the hurt we feel is valid. Know that you are not obligated to be active at this time, you can take a break you have earned it. You can unplug and you can rest until you’re okay.You don’t have to do anything right now take pause you’re worth more than productivity.

I want you to utilize the block button, you don’t owe anyone your energy or free labor of educating. We’re past that and that time is over. I love you, I love us so much. Our official given label is “Black” but we’re so many things, we’re multifaceted and I know its hard to feel like you matter at this time, but you do. Your existence is our ancestor’s resistance you are meant to be here and I’m happy that you are.

Non-Black people this is for you. I want you to know that your work doesn’t stop as soon as the dust settles. In fact at that time your work TRULY begins. It’s not enough to amplify our voices during times like protests. You must do this work ALL THE TIME. How you may ask? It’s simple uplift Black voices in every space.

Did you know that while we are experts on our experiences we also have voices in many other arena’s? We love Cosplay, we love anime, we love gaming, we love fashion, we love wrestling, we love kink, we love comics, we love movies, we love pop-culture (We are THE culture and don’t you forget it), we love beauty, we love music, we love sneakers, food. We have voices in all of those places! But when it comes time to showcase us its not surprising but its tiring that we’re only asked or praised for our thoughts when it comes to racism, and injustice.

We’re retweeted the most when we’re angry, we get more followers and subscribers when we’re angry. It seems that when we express hurt, despair, and pain we’re hyper visible to everyone. Yet when we talk about the things we’re passionate about, excited about, we are invisible. You want to be an ally to us? give us opportunities to make our voices and passions heard. Collaborate with us on your online cons, your pop-culture podcasts, your streams, ask us about our thoughts on the newest animes dropping we have a lot to say, Talk with us about makeup and beauty.

We’re here and we exist in these spaces. You want to find us? look at the hashtags you’re using and take a look at the profiles using them I promise you we’re only a few clicks away online. There is no room for “How do I find more black people to collaborate with” in 2020 If you can use a hashtag to find the latest topic to stream about you can find and reach out to black creatives.

You have done the bare minimum for a long time and at this point we’re not settling for half baked allyship. We’re also not settling for your virtue signaling posts today so that you can go back to ignoring us next week. Yeah its admirable that those before us clawed their way into spaces but they shouldn’t have had to. I’m calling on all of you right now You want to be an Ally? Think of us for collaborations, and other creative opportunities, recommend us for shit to get us a seat in the room.

Share our posts about things we’re interested in. My next interviewer could be on your timeline. Black people are more than just resources for brands and internet personalities to take from, we’re more than our thoughts on racism and injustice and it’s high time that ya’ll started opening your eyes to us beyond our skin color. You want to do more? Offer your services to help us reach our creative goals if you have the energy help us upgrade our pitches, media kits, content.

There are so many ways that you could be an ally to us beyond retweeting and donating. Help us secure our bags from our aspirations. We have so much to offer the world besides justified anger. Thank you for the retweets and the donations, whats next? What are you willing to do?

If you made it this far thank you so much for reading and if you have questions or ideas please email me at

Published by kiasangria

A NY cosplayer & fashionista sharing cosplay and styling tips

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